Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week of Hell

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day, I know I can't complain too much. Oh except for the fact that I totally had 5 exams last week. I was seriously a zombie for the whole week. I didn't have a valentine but my mother definitely out did herself this year. Over-nighting me chocolate covered strawberries, I mean really?? Best. Thing. Ever. However, since it was the week of Valentine's day let me bring up a very important statement. Doing something right for a whole day and being like super nice for a whole day, does not excuse the face that you are probably a bitch or a prick the other 364 days a year. That statement can go both ways just because you are mega sweet 364 days a year, that doesn't mean you get to be a mega bitch or prick on Valentine's day. The holiday is just suppose to be a day that you spend it with someone that you care about. Calling it single awareness day isn't going to change it. Big deal, you're single. Embrace it. Don't be all mopey. Give a compliment to someone you find attractive in each class. Dress up a little nicer to feel good about yourself. Besides, couples are still going to be around all year long, there's no need to let it bother you like crazy for one day because that relationship that's bothering you on February 14th will most likely still be together on the 15th. Okay, I've said enough. Until next time, stay classy. Be happy.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Giant" Impact

Okay, so we all know the Giants won. Well if you didn't, SURPRISE! So basically speaking of giants I have a ton of exams next week. By a ton I mean like 5 plus a lab report. Sucks to suck, right? But anyways, I'm on a tangent. Only naturally does my tangent of course start with Facebook. I realize it's your personal site and you can "technically" say or put on there what ever you want. However, jobs are starting to look at Facebook and I know my sorority looked at me like crazy. Thus, stop putting your every action, thought, picture, or life story on Facebook. Trust me, nobody cares. I mean your really close friends might care, but um, that's probably about it. Also, I know your family probably sees your Facebook and family friends as well. This brings me to my next point. The duck face or the picture that all I can see is your boobs, is not okay. People are judgmental, it happens. You can keep people from being so judgmental about you be how you present yourself. Your information box should actually be about you, and using spellcheck wouldn't hurt. Don't tell me you speak French, English, and intellectually but then spell intellectually wrong (true story). I'm not saying I've never done these things, I'm a girl and it's like our second nature. I even went back, which is easier with timeline, and saw the things I posted in high school. Seriously? What in the world was I thinking? Another thing, ladies please don't use foul language. Please show that you are intelligent enough to have a broader vocabulary than that. No guy dates someone and says,"Oh, she had me at the way she said the F-bomb." Keep it classy. I understand we have bad days, and I understand people have bad days. However just smile and be like, yeah today sucked, but tomorrow is a new day. I'd much rather see that than saying how your boyfriend cheated on you with Heather and she's a bitch and you want to run her over with your car. Also, don't talk about how much you love weed or some other substance on Facebook. Don't be dumb, but if you're going to be dumb, at least be smart about it and NOT post it on a public site. Oh and incase people didn't realize, I'm typing in letters. There aren't any numbers on here. For example I L0V3 H3R. Honestly, how is that more difficult to type. Oh, and Ke$ha is the only name or word that should have a symbol in it. Unless you are using twitter, chill out with the symbols. An @ is not an A. Okay, I think I'm done. I'm sure something will inspire to go on another tangent or speech soon. I promise they all won't be negative! Until next time, I hope everyone has a wonderful week and weekend! I'll try to update soon.

:) -Alexa

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hey everyone, this is my new blog. I'm starting it for my media and society class so we shall see how it goes. I'll try to keep it pretty entertaining. Being a college student, hopefully, will be beneficial for that. My goal is try to update it every couple of days because let's face it only so much excitement can happen on a day to day basis. I'll start with the basics of just who I am as a person since this is a first entry. My name is Alexa. I am in no way or fashion of any Spanish decent, sorry if the name of my blog is misleading, I go to the University of Arkansas. I am technically a Broadcast Journalism major; however, I have pretty much gone undeclared. I have no idea what I want to do with my life so I guess, I'm just living the life of a typical college student. I am involved in Greek Life. I'm from a really small town. From this blog, I hope to go on a few tangents, I'll talk about games, and I'll probably talk about people. I'm a girl, it's what I do. :) Nevertheless, it's second semester, and I'm ready for whatever is going to come. Go Hogs!