Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hey everyone, this is my new blog. I'm starting it for my media and society class so we shall see how it goes. I'll try to keep it pretty entertaining. Being a college student, hopefully, will be beneficial for that. My goal is try to update it every couple of days because let's face it only so much excitement can happen on a day to day basis. I'll start with the basics of just who I am as a person since this is a first entry. My name is Alexa. I am in no way or fashion of any Spanish decent, sorry if the name of my blog is misleading, I go to the University of Arkansas. I am technically a Broadcast Journalism major; however, I have pretty much gone undeclared. I have no idea what I want to do with my life so I guess, I'm just living the life of a typical college student. I am involved in Greek Life. I'm from a really small town. From this blog, I hope to go on a few tangents, I'll talk about games, and I'll probably talk about people. I'm a girl, it's what I do. :) Nevertheless, it's second semester, and I'm ready for whatever is going to come. Go Hogs!

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