Thursday, March 29, 2012

16 and what?

Hey everyone, this is actually kind of important to rant about. I was on Facebook, and someone had clicked an article on youngest grandmother recorded. I was curious, so I read this article. This family from Spain, well mothers from Spain are having children way too young. The youngest grandmother being 23,  her daughter having a child at 12, and herself getting pregnant at 11. First of all, what kind of parent let's their child participate in such activities? I'm pretty sure when I was 12 I hadn't even kissed a boy, and even the thought of that grossed me out completely. I realize accidents happen, but seriously at the age of 12 you can't even get a job legally. How are you suppose to support that child? There are so many risks with having a kid that young too. Also, as you all know I enjoy MTV shows strictly for entertainment value. There's a show 16 and pregnant that shows these girls and their struggles they have being pregnant at such a young age. I realize it's suppose to help with prevention, but realistically I think it is swing get pregnant young and get a television show. When I was 16, I wanted to drive, and I was excited because my senior boyfriend invited me to prom. I couldn't even imagine getting pregnant then. My parents would have killed me, not because they were ashamed but rather because they cared. They care about my future more than I do, honestly. Another thing that bothers me, is when they are talking about how they got pregnant or asked if they used protection or anything, the answer is no. As popular as this show is and as popular this topic is in high school or even college, there is no excuse to say you didn't know. You're ignorant if you even think it wouldn't happen to you. I think I got my point across, please make good decisions about who you hook up with or whatever. Until next time, have a wonderful day!


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