Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 Review, 2013 Changes

Hello, everyone! First of all let me apologize for my absence. This semester was crazy, but you'll be happy to know I passed and the university has asked me to come back. I posted in July about end of the summer and whatnot and there are other review post so this is what has been going on from about August until now. Also, as usual, there is a small rant that I need to talk about. It's been all over my newsfeed and I just need to give my small opinion. Okay well I moved into the biggest sorority house in the SEC, and let me tell you. I love being in a sorority and all that fun stuff, but living in a sorority house is exhausting. I can literally hear the person wearing heels across the house and trying to study is a nightmare. I'm also a huge fan of privacy and having a a kitchen, in this huge house I have neither. However, as of next August I will be in a wonderful big apartment at the Domain of Fayetteville. So I can wait. :) My rugby team and I did really good this semester for most of us never playing before. I'm really excited for next semester. Yes, it is true about my stepbrother. I'm not going to say anything else about it. Just know that if you watched the news, yes that was him. End of story. Okay, nothing else too major happened this semester, I turned 20!!! No more being a teenager!! Yeah, that's about as exciting as that birthday went. The biggest thing about being 20 is I'm starting to notice subtle changes of myself just getting older. For example, I've found a new love in Bath and Body Works, Kirkland's, HGTV, etc. It's embarrassing actually. I have not found a love in soap opera yet though, so I think I'm still okay. ;)
Now for the changes of 2013:
Naturally, I made some mistakes in 2012. However, it's been a learning year. I've learned to cope with things a lot better. With all of my heart scares, I've learned to eat better and just take better care of myself in general. Thus, with it being 2013 in about 24 hours, I've given a lot of thought to what I want my resolutions to be. I want to be back in the shape I was in September, but I want to even excel that point. Just to give you an idea, I could literally run a mile and my six pack was visible slightly. I have decided to get back into the Episcopal church. After going to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, I felt relieved and just all around really good. I haven't felt that feeling with a church in awhile. I've kinda steered away from my faith, and I'm going to take baby steps in the right direction. This year I turn 21. So I'll save an entire post on that in November when that happens. I'm going to get out of my comfort zone this year, I'm not sure with what yet. It may be action or just something small. I'm going to try and overcome my shyness and meet 5-10 new people a month.

So that's the past semester in a nutshell and my future goals for this next year. Now for the rant:
Engagements. Marriage. Babies. Okay, now before I say anything let me clarify. This is my opinion. If it makes you angry in any shape or fashion, I'm sorry. It's not meant to be offensive. Send me a message, we can talk about it, and I'll clarify any confusion. Also, I'm not bitter nor am I pointing fingers and casting stones. Now that I have that disclosure out in the open let me begin. Yes, I realize it's Christmas. Tis the season, right? It just seems like everyone on my newsfeed is getting Engaged. Now if you have been dating someone forever and you're older (and by older I mean graduated and have enough stability in your life to handle being married) this DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU. I've been out of high school for about 2 years now. As I believe I have stated in other posts how much marriage terrifies me. If I am wrong, here it is. Marriage terrifies me. The thought of being with the same person for the rest of my life and vice versa, it just seems weird. Not like a bad weird, but I've never seen anything like it. I saw an older couple (70's) holding hands across the table at breakfast this morning. It was seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love that! I can't wait to have that. I don't believe in getting divorced. I think just about anything is fixable and I honestly believe til death do us part. It's a huge commitment and I think a lot of people are losing the meaning of marriage. They are doing it just because that is how we are programmed being from a small town. There is so much to life that settling down at 19 and 20. I feel like the earlier you get married the sooner you're just going to get divorced. I am single, and I'm not even in a serious relationship. I'm not even in a non-serious relationship. I'm not being pessimistic about the whole idea. I can't wait to get married, when it's my time to get married. When I find that person that I honestly can not live my life without and they are more world, then I can be on the engagement train like the rest of you. I want my degree. I want to be able to support myself before I even try to add someone on that level of seriousness. With marriage comes responsibilities that I'm just not ready for yet. I'm okay with that. Now as far as babies go, I love babies. Correction: I love other people's babies. I couldn't even imagine getting pregnant right now. On the post about 16 and pregnant you know my thoughts on that whole issue. Pregnancy I think scares me more than marriage. I can walk away from marriage, I can't walk away from a kid. Plus, with my genetics I have a chance of knocking out about 2 or 3 at one time. Thank you for your sympathy. Anyways, I just wish more people my age would think about their actions before they do anything super irrational or just do something that could seriously change their lives forever. Don't do something before you're ready. Until next year, don't be afraid to go for that New Year's Kiss.

I love you all,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dreaming in Your Daze

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is feeling the start of the Autumn weather as I have. Rugby season has started; thus, I am a very happy person. This post is going to go from one end to another so be ready for a roller coaster of a read.

First, I would like to discuss dreams. Everyone has one, whether it is to go to the moon, be an attorney, or just graduate college in general, they are all the same. Some say your dreams are what you make them, and then furthermore to how you make them a reality. I am a firm believer with enough hard work and dedication anything is possible. Cliché? Maybe. But, it's still realistic. Now, if you're dream is that you want to fly, I recommend aviation, just because that's probably the closest you are going to come to it. I bring up the point of dreams because I'm really tired of people shooting others down over them. Oh, you want to change your major? Cool. And then question you completely about it; then, they decide to respond that it sounds "promising". Better yet, you tell someone your 5 or 10 year plan, and someone's response is yeah, we will see about that. Who in the world are you to tell someone that they can't obtain their dreams? I'm sorry, but how would you like it if someone just "Lebron'd" your dream right in front of you? You start to second guess it and then you might just give up just because one idiot said you couldn't do it. I, personally, am a rebel and I am very stubborn. The second someone doubts me or tells me I can't do something, it gives me more of an incentive to try harder just to prove you wrong. What? I like being able to say that "I told you so." So in closing of this thought, stop completely shutting down other's ideas. Let people dream. If their heads are in the clouds, then show them a way to an airplane and be supportive of their decision.

Second, you're probably asking about the title. For the record, I am not supporting any kind of substance nor am I on any kind of substance. I want to talk about exes and "hauntings" if you will. Now, by hauntings I don't mean ghouls and goblins, but rather hauntings of people from your past. I have had frequent night thoughts. You know where everything is quiet and you're just laying in bed thinking about everything from that night or day or month or in my case year. Before going any further, let me just say that yes, my boyfriend Nic and I broke up, so this will make more sense as to why in the world I am bringing this topic up. I've been doing a bit of "Soul searching" if you will, and this past year or at least where I was this time last year until now has, well, sucked. I've lost two people really close to me. I let my grades fall. And I don't blame their untimely deaths for my poor choices, but they didn't help. However, looking back now they are shaping my choices without realizing it. By surrounding myself with positive influences and getting more involved, which if you recall was my goal for the year, I think I have become a better person. I stand up for myself now and what I am passionate about. In conclusion, though I didn't want to break up with Nic, it was for the best. We are/were different people. I can't say if we will ever get back together, but I know that I am happier now and more content with myself after dating him. I don't regret dating him nor do I wish him any harm or unhappiness. I'm explaining this because I've learned that people, myself included, live too much in the past. I'm not in high school anymore. I don't care what people think of me. I'm healthy, walking, talking, and in my second year of college. I still have a lot to learn, and I'm turning 20 in a few months. I'm getting older, but I am far from old. With age comes wisdom, and I hope to achieve that and until then share some light on people my age or younger. I am cutting ties with any ex I've ever had, unless I can honestly say that I am still friends with them. Why waste my time on anyone that has already wasted my time? I'm ready to move forward. I'm busy between school, sorority, rugby, and still keeping contact with my friends. I don't have time to let my past ruin anything in my future. Now do I want a relationship tomorrow or the next day, definitely not. Eventually, someone will be put in my life that I'm suppose to waste my time on and they will do the same, and that will make us both perfectly happy. Why? Because it's what we both want.

Final and Closing, I suppose by this point the objective of this post is simply put as: Happiness. Don't let anyone get in your way of what you want or your happiness. You can blame my ethics class for most of this discussion. If you love going outside and hiking, do it. If you love painting, do it. Finally, if you love someone, tell them. You don't know when it's your time to go. However, before you love anyone, make sure that you can love yourself first. If you can't sit down and ask yourself, what truly makes me happy? Stop what you're doing and change it. If you have to lie to others to make yourself sound better, not only is that pathetic, but seriously stop lying to yourself. It's never going to satisfy what you want to make you happy. Only you can make yourself happy. You may enjoy others and material things, but what happens when you no longer have these people or things? You shouldn't think it couldn't happen to you, because it could. Focus on yourself, but don't become selfish. Always treat the ones around you how you would want to be treated, you never know when they might need you the most. This week my challenge to you is to show a random act of happiness everyday. Whether it be just having a total-girl out moment in your room and dance around to your favorite 90's pop song, or it be playing with your dog for awhile. Reality doesn't have to be as harsh as you make it, it's all about perception.

Until next time, accept my challenge. Remember where you came from, and dig down for your own happiness, and if people don't like it? So what. :)

Have a wonderful evening,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Here's what you missed... End of Summer 2012

Hello everyone! Long time since I have posted... Therefore I suppose I should fill you in on why I have been so absent. Well, it's been a crazy roller coaster of summer, honestly. Well, to start off everything. I have a boyfriend. His name is Nic. So, I obviously spend a lot of time with him. He's wonderful and I don't know how I could have gotten through this summer without something so stable in my life. In June, I passed out in my bathroom while my friend was coloring my hair. Which led me to finding out I have an arrhythmia in my heart (short PR interval) to be exact. I got my lab done, and I am okay! Everything lab related showed that I need to change my diet and manage my stress better. I got put on a heart monitor and all it showed is that I have a strong normal heart, but I have a slight abnormality which is just going to be normal for me. In case anyone was wondering, I am perfectly fine. I no longer eat red meat, drink cokes, no sweet tea (which sucks), sweets, and I tend to try and stay away from anything greasy. I work out like a lot. I've started boxing, rock climbing, and just basically running a lot. I feel better, and I think I'm more tone body-wise than I was when I graduated high school. ON A LIGHTER NOTE, I got to go to Florida and Dallas. Florida was a trip with my dad, and Dallas was a nice little work weekend. Market was fantastic! Okay, so in July I went to Orlando with my boyfriend and his family. Universal is soooo different than what it used to be. Granted, I haven't been there in like eight years, so I guess that is expected. My mom is having surgery the end of this week, I'll spare the details. She's just getting some things looked at, but she'll be okay. Just fingers crossed and prayers sent my way if possible. Later tonight or tomorrow, I'll post about another big thing that happened this summer. I leave to go back to school on the fourth and then I'll be out of touch for about 2 weeks. I'll have lots to update after recruitment and of course the first week of school. YIKES!!! I'm changing my major AGAIN! I'm going to get my master's in early childhood education but keep my legal studies minor because I still want to be a nuclear (family) attorney. However, with a political science degree... It's really hard to get a job and what happens if I decide law school isn't for me??? So I really missed working with kids, and I'm changing my major. Soo yeah, that's about it.

Now that I've caught all of you up on myself :) of course, I have a lovely tangent to go on (as usual). Tonight's topic is marriage. In case any of you were wondering, there is absolutely zero ring on my finger. I just want to talk about this for a bit. Okay, the basics. Man/Wife combo, Man/Man combo, Wife/Wife combo what ever other preference there is... it's sacred. I feel that our generation either gets married because they feel they need to or because they have to due to poor decisions. To clarify, I don't mean poor decisions being just pregnancy. I mean to try and get them to stay or you feel that you need to get married to complete yourself. Whatever the excuse may be, let me be the first to tell you to slow the heck down. The average life span of a human being if they are healthy is like 70 and above. The average college student graduates at the age of 22-23. That's about a 50 year span to find someone and settle down and whatnot. Stop rushing into bad marriages. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't ever get married in college or anything like that. However, I am saying that if you truly care about someone, they are worth the wait. You are going to spend the rest of your life together (hopefully), so why rush? Miley Cyrus is 4 days younger than me and she is engaged. I'm almost 20 and I'm in my second longest serious relationship. Granted, I don't like to date. It freaks me out, but that's a whole topic I'll get on another time. I'm sorry, but I'm not getting married anytime soon.
Okay, next issue with marriage. Love is love. REGARDLESS OF SEX OR PREFERENCE. This whole Chic-fil-a issue, I'm sorry, but this is up there with the whole gay marriage civil rights issue that's kinda big right now. Honestly, who cares. Sure, it is not your thing, you're heterosexual congratulations. We have a lot bigger issues like a guy that killed people in a movie theater because he thinks he is the joker. Get over it. Everyone deserves to be happy and love someone. It has nothing to do with you unless you know the person directly. Personally, I think gay marriage should be legal just because the wedding business would shoot through the roof, and I'm all for an economy boost whether it be in weddings or poodles, I really don't care. It's a touchy topic and I realize everyone has their opinions on it, and this is why I blog. These are my thoughts from brain to fingers, if you don't like it. Feel free to not read anything I post. I'm opinionated, deal with it. Until next time, keep an eye out for more posts about my life or something that ticks me off in society. It happens. Love you all, and please tell someone close to you that you love them. You never know when you won't get to see them everyday. It sucks.

Alpha love and all of mine,
Alexa :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Late Night thoughts

Good evening everyone. Well, I'm going to go ahead and warn you that this blog entry is probably going to be extremely jumbled because my thoughts at the moment are going about 120 mph. So my apologies for that. However, my first topic is exes. They are called exes for a reason. The "X" on your heart and your list of bad ideas normally. To me it's funny how the ones you want the most out of your life, always try to weasel their way in. It drives me crazy. I have an ex that I dated for about a year, and we were toxic. Correction, he is/was toxic. I became an awful person when I was with him. I was mean and I lost a lot of friends because of him and what I became from being around him. He cheated on me numerous upon numerous times, and in the long run I knew what was going on. However, I was so "in love" that I didn't care. I was so stupid. This was about 3 years ago and he still tries to be with me, but when you tell someone that you are done. BE DONE. Stop hurting yourself and the other person because you aren't getting anywhere positive. Not every relationship is suppose to work out. It happens. He is the reason that I have a lot of the relationship issues that I have. I have trust issues, guarded issues, and confidence issues. It's taken me three years, just to say that I'm over him and to be okay. My summer goal is to be happy. Whatever it takes. I'm picking up my piano book, going hiking, painting. I've been single for a year; honestly, I think it's better that way. Tonight in church, we discussed boundaries. I think I need to recreate some of those. Whether they be in a relationship or just within myself. I've let myself get away from me and become a swirl within my surroundings. In a way, I guess I've reached my breaking point. I don't recognize myself anymore. I want to just throw away everything in my room. Nothing reflects who I am, and it doesn't help that when I get upset, I just shut down. I know I shouldn't bottle up my emotions, but I hope maybe somebody reading this will read this and maybe they are like me. I hope that someone doesn't make the mistakes that I have made. My father is moving back to Florida this summer. I understand why he is leaving, but it still sucks. We are just now getting super close. As sad as it sounds, I feel like I'm 6 years old again when he left the first time. Everything in my life is changing. The next year to two years are going to change my life honestly. I feel out of control, and there's nothing I can do about it. My friends mean the most to me right now. However, my thoughts are so jumbled I wouldn't even know what to tell them if they saw that something was wrong. To me, it's easier to just bottle everything up. Keep everything inside and then just fake a smile like everything is okay. In conclusion, don't judge a book by its cover, or a smile to its emotion. There's much behind every smile. Goodnight to all, I think I've vented enough. Until next time, think about what makes you happy. Do it to its full potential.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Been Awhile.. Update

Hello everyone! Well, I started this as a class assignment, but I think I'm going to keep it personally. I think if I rant on here it will keep me from getting on my other social media sites and blowing up on people's news feeds. Thus, since it has been so long since I have posted anything, I'll give everyone an update on my life. Well, I finished my first year of college. I passed which is also important. I've learned how to truly study, and I came to the conclusion of what I want to major in, which is political science with a minor in legal studies since the U of A doesn't technically have a Pre-Law program. I have gained so many friends this year, and I've met so many people, partially because I joined Alpha Omicron Pi and the University of Arkansas Women's Rugby Team. However, with all of the highs this year, there were also many lows. I lost two people that were very close to me. First, I lost my friend from high school Tanner Nalley the Sunday before finals week I was suppose to come home from college for Christmas break. Then, almost 5 months to the day, my dear Aunt Carol died. Losing them, has impacted my life in the greatest ways. Life is just so short and shouldn't be taken for granted. It's taught me to really value my friendships, as well as they have shown me who my real friends are. Because I have been gone in Fayetteville, which is 3 hours from home, I have become distant. I rarely come home. I know that 3 hours doesn't seem a lot especially to those who live in Texas and whatnot, but it's still a lot. Plus, I had sorority stuff or exams, so I wasn't ever able to come home. I've been home a week, and I still feel like I have to cram all of my friends in that I haven't seen within like every hour of the day. I am still adjusting where I don't have to rush or pack to go back to school. In the past year, I've learned somethings not only about others, but more importantly, myself. I am turning 20 in November. I've grown up a lot, but I still have a long way to go. I'm not sure if that scares me or not, but I am as ready for as I can be. I'm going to try to keep this regularly updated on my life as well as my opinions. My summer goals consist of trying to figure out what truly makes me happy. I hit a few lows this year because of all the stress and just kind of coming into myself. So, whether it's finding a hobby or doing something different in my routine, I'm going to make myself happy. If I meet someone in the process, great. However, this isn't my objective. Everything I'm doing this summer is for me. I've got zero plans or trips, strictly playing everything by ear. In closing, I hope everyone had a wonderful second semester whether it was in high school or college. I know I have so many memories already that I'll never forget. :) Until next time, stay safe. Love everyone. And be nice :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Kardashian Nation

Due to my bedridden self today because of a medical issue, I've watched a lot of television today. I stumbled up the E! Network, and of course the Kardashians were on. Khloe and Lamar, Kim and Kourtney Take New York, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Their father was a big time Hollywood lawyer, famously known for the O.J. Simpson trial in the early 90's, and their stepdad is an ex olympian. Their mother is not famous at all. I mention all of this because why the heck are they on television and famous? They haven't done anything. They aren't actors, they are reality stars. Kim is only famous because her and the singer Ray J had a sex tape. There is nothing special about them, and I don't understand why they are on television. They marry athletes which adds on the the fame, but I think they do it for attention. They are pretty, but there are a ton of other pretty people that could be on television. Let someone who is actually famous have a television show. Until next time, I'll probably be in bed all weekend. Be prepared for more rants!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

16 and what?

Hey everyone, this is actually kind of important to rant about. I was on Facebook, and someone had clicked an article on youngest grandmother recorded. I was curious, so I read this article. This family from Spain, well mothers from Spain are having children way too young. The youngest grandmother being 23,  her daughter having a child at 12, and herself getting pregnant at 11. First of all, what kind of parent let's their child participate in such activities? I'm pretty sure when I was 12 I hadn't even kissed a boy, and even the thought of that grossed me out completely. I realize accidents happen, but seriously at the age of 12 you can't even get a job legally. How are you suppose to support that child? There are so many risks with having a kid that young too. Also, as you all know I enjoy MTV shows strictly for entertainment value. There's a show 16 and pregnant that shows these girls and their struggles they have being pregnant at such a young age. I realize it's suppose to help with prevention, but realistically I think it is swing get pregnant young and get a television show. When I was 16, I wanted to drive, and I was excited because my senior boyfriend invited me to prom. I couldn't even imagine getting pregnant then. My parents would have killed me, not because they were ashamed but rather because they cared. They care about my future more than I do, honestly. Another thing that bothers me, is when they are talking about how they got pregnant or asked if they used protection or anything, the answer is no. As popular as this show is and as popular this topic is in high school or even college, there is no excuse to say you didn't know. You're ignorant if you even think it wouldn't happen to you. I think I got my point across, please make good decisions about who you hook up with or whatever. Until next time, have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gorillas and Spray Tans

Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful spring break. I know mine was extremely relaxing because I literally did nothing but lay out on the beach. Over spring break I watched the ever so classy Jersey Shore. I am a fan of this show, but if you asked me why, I honestly couldn't tell you. I really don't understand how they are even considered "famous". Infamous maybe, but they have no claim to fame other than they party all the time. They all have zero class, and anyone who considers them a role model should probably reevaluate their life. Snooki the main star for getting black out drunk and going too crazy is pregnant. It made the cover of People magazine and was all over the news and Twitter. Seriously? What did you expect? Snooki and JWoww are getting a spin off show from MTV about apparently Snooki growing up and becoming a mom. I'm not impressed. These are people that said and I quote," put out the fire down, he was like a hermaphrodite or something." A hermaphrodite, really??? Pyromaniac would be more appropriate. These people are not intelligent, and they have zero class. Yet, they are entertaining none the less. I myself have told my friends I'm going to go GTL, gym, tan, and laundry, which is a common acronym the casts says. DJ Pauly D is getting his own show, but it's just going to be about him DJ-ing. How exciting? I just think that we should have better role models on television. It's pretty ridiculous. Also, none of them are truly Italian except for Vinny. Yes, those are just white people with Italian descent. They have northern accents and none of them are actually from Jersey either. I don't understand how this show has lasted 5 seasons. They tan, they eat, they fight, they workout, and they party. What makes them famous? Anyone that has seen them act on something other than Jersey Shore knows they should stick to their day job. There are seriously being paid a ton just to be obnoxious. They are not intelligent, and they are just regular people that need to grow up. What makes them so special?? I go to college, and yes I go out occasionally. I'm actually doing something with my life, and I don't get my own television show. Let's be honest, I'm boring. I should have another tangent later this week because something will spark my interest. Oh well, until next time I'm Alexa Ray :) Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kony 2012

Sorry, it's been awhile since anything of mine has become updated. It's midterms, oh well. Anyways, more importantly I a bit of a long rant about something today. As most of you know, there is a KONY 2012 video on youtube. In case, you haven't this video is on youtube and it's about the invisible children in Africa. Joseph Kony is a guy that is taking children from their homes and telling them to kill their parents and completely taking away their freedom. He turns boys into child soldiers and girls into sex slaves. This is a very important cause, and yes it is a problem. However, the invisible children foundation has been criticized because it only gives 30% of it's earnings to the children. I'm pretty sure that is more than what any of us are giving on our own. To make money, you have to have money. Another thing is that people are complaining that Kony is nowhere to be found, and it isn't an issue anymore. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't an issue, it wouldn't have been brought up now. Most people that are complaining aren't in Africa; thus, you don't know what's going on. I get it, really I do. However, don't complain or be negative because someone else wants to support a cause. Be respectful. Okay, I think I'm done. Until next time, enjoy the weather!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week of Hell

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day, I know I can't complain too much. Oh except for the fact that I totally had 5 exams last week. I was seriously a zombie for the whole week. I didn't have a valentine but my mother definitely out did herself this year. Over-nighting me chocolate covered strawberries, I mean really?? Best. Thing. Ever. However, since it was the week of Valentine's day let me bring up a very important statement. Doing something right for a whole day and being like super nice for a whole day, does not excuse the face that you are probably a bitch or a prick the other 364 days a year. That statement can go both ways just because you are mega sweet 364 days a year, that doesn't mean you get to be a mega bitch or prick on Valentine's day. The holiday is just suppose to be a day that you spend it with someone that you care about. Calling it single awareness day isn't going to change it. Big deal, you're single. Embrace it. Don't be all mopey. Give a compliment to someone you find attractive in each class. Dress up a little nicer to feel good about yourself. Besides, couples are still going to be around all year long, there's no need to let it bother you like crazy for one day because that relationship that's bothering you on February 14th will most likely still be together on the 15th. Okay, I've said enough. Until next time, stay classy. Be happy.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Giant" Impact

Okay, so we all know the Giants won. Well if you didn't, SURPRISE! So basically speaking of giants I have a ton of exams next week. By a ton I mean like 5 plus a lab report. Sucks to suck, right? But anyways, I'm on a tangent. Only naturally does my tangent of course start with Facebook. I realize it's your personal site and you can "technically" say or put on there what ever you want. However, jobs are starting to look at Facebook and I know my sorority looked at me like crazy. Thus, stop putting your every action, thought, picture, or life story on Facebook. Trust me, nobody cares. I mean your really close friends might care, but um, that's probably about it. Also, I know your family probably sees your Facebook and family friends as well. This brings me to my next point. The duck face or the picture that all I can see is your boobs, is not okay. People are judgmental, it happens. You can keep people from being so judgmental about you be how you present yourself. Your information box should actually be about you, and using spellcheck wouldn't hurt. Don't tell me you speak French, English, and intellectually but then spell intellectually wrong (true story). I'm not saying I've never done these things, I'm a girl and it's like our second nature. I even went back, which is easier with timeline, and saw the things I posted in high school. Seriously? What in the world was I thinking? Another thing, ladies please don't use foul language. Please show that you are intelligent enough to have a broader vocabulary than that. No guy dates someone and says,"Oh, she had me at the way she said the F-bomb." Keep it classy. I understand we have bad days, and I understand people have bad days. However just smile and be like, yeah today sucked, but tomorrow is a new day. I'd much rather see that than saying how your boyfriend cheated on you with Heather and she's a bitch and you want to run her over with your car. Also, don't talk about how much you love weed or some other substance on Facebook. Don't be dumb, but if you're going to be dumb, at least be smart about it and NOT post it on a public site. Oh and incase people didn't realize, I'm typing in letters. There aren't any numbers on here. For example I L0V3 H3R. Honestly, how is that more difficult to type. Oh, and Ke$ha is the only name or word that should have a symbol in it. Unless you are using twitter, chill out with the symbols. An @ is not an A. Okay, I think I'm done. I'm sure something will inspire to go on another tangent or speech soon. I promise they all won't be negative! Until next time, I hope everyone has a wonderful week and weekend! I'll try to update soon.

:) -Alexa

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hey everyone, this is my new blog. I'm starting it for my media and society class so we shall see how it goes. I'll try to keep it pretty entertaining. Being a college student, hopefully, will be beneficial for that. My goal is try to update it every couple of days because let's face it only so much excitement can happen on a day to day basis. I'll start with the basics of just who I am as a person since this is a first entry. My name is Alexa. I am in no way or fashion of any Spanish decent, sorry if the name of my blog is misleading, I go to the University of Arkansas. I am technically a Broadcast Journalism major; however, I have pretty much gone undeclared. I have no idea what I want to do with my life so I guess, I'm just living the life of a typical college student. I am involved in Greek Life. I'm from a really small town. From this blog, I hope to go on a few tangents, I'll talk about games, and I'll probably talk about people. I'm a girl, it's what I do. :) Nevertheless, it's second semester, and I'm ready for whatever is going to come. Go Hogs!